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Gaster, Sans and Alphys all sprinted full speed down the hallway to the throne room where King Asgore sat with Queen Toriel, Prince Asriel and Princess Chara, waiting, the king trying to comfort the children.

“Your majesty!” Gaster shouted as the three entered.

“Gaster! What is happening?!” Asgore hurried over, putting an arm on Gaster’s shoulder.

“Sire, a human has fallen! And is slaughtering monsters!” Gaster huffed, trying to catch his breath.

“W…we have sent Undyne and Papyrus to intercept them, b…but who knows how long they will hold the human off for!” Alphys chimed in.

“Let me go! Let me help them!” Sans pleaded, his orange eye glowing brightly.

“Sans you are still unwell from the toxins! We do not know enough about your condition to assume you will be alright! Especially with THIS human!” Gaster gave Sans a pitying look, knowing that if Sans were to fight the human he would die.

“I am better now! The medicine you have been giving me has improved my condition! Not to mention, strengthened my attack!” Sans, in that moment, was filled with COURAGE. Gaster could see it, everyone could.

“Let me come too.” Princess Chara spoke up.

“As this kingdoms Princess I have to protect my people against this human! Against their DETERMINATION.” Sans shared a moment with Chara, then nodded.

“Alright kid… then let’s go!” Sans and Chara sprinted past everyone, taking Chara’s hand, Sans teleported them to the site of the fight.

Sans and Chara, appearing at the site, were in shock. Lying unconscious and almost dead was Undyne, spears broken here and there, along with the scatterment of bones.

“Pap…”Sans choked on his words as Chara went to assist Undyne.

“PAP?!” Sans called. But there was no response.

“PAPYRUS!” Sans started running in the direction he thought they would have went. Papyrus was strong, he and Undyne were the top guardsmen of the underground but… for Undyne to be in this state… what state could Papyrus be in? Sans skirted to a halt. In front of him was Papyrus, injured but standing strong, across from him was the human. Draped in a cloak to hide his face. Bearing a knife and wearing gear armor from the surface.

“Human! You shall come no further!” Papyrus shouted, eyes glowing a bright yellow. The human said nothing, only smiled.

“Say something human! Why do you do this?!” Papyrus was about to summon his next attack when the human raised his hand, stopping him.

“I… am FRISK… and I want to take what is rightfully MINE! Isn’t that right BRAVERY? JUSTICE?” the human, FRISK, laughed. Sans stood beside Papyrus, startling him.

“Sans?! What are you doing here?! You should be resting!” Papyrus lectured, almost completely forgetting about the fight with the human.

“I’m here to lend a hand Paps, plus… I got a BONE to pick with the kid.” Sans smiled, Papyrus fell to his knees sighing.

“Brother, why!” Pap shouted, defeated. Sans chuckled.

“So kiddo, will you tell me why you need BRAVERY and JUSTICE if I defeat you?” Sans asked calmly. FRISK thought, then nodded.

“Alright you bag of bones, if you win I will tell you why I need the SOULS that were stolen, but if I win…” FRISK grew DETERMINED.

“I WILL TAKE THE SOULS AND DESTROY THE FABRICS OF THIS REALITY FOR MAKING ME SUFFER!”  FRISK then unclipped his cloak, revealing his face. Scars laced across his skin, mechanical implements replacing certain parts of his face, but his eyes… a deep red that shone through the dust and decay of their world.

“Alright kid. Then let’s get this started shall we?” Sans teased. FRISK charged at Sans only to be easily avoided, Sans summoned bones to intercept the kid only for them to cut them away with one simple stroke of their knife.

“You have to do better than that!” FRISK taunted. Sans, smiled, summoning more bones that broke the ground underneath them, he teleported. Watching from above his smile started fading at the sight of the human barley injured. Sans summoned his BRAVERY Gaster Blasters and aimed them at the kid, only to find them gone.

“W…wha-“Sans was shocked for a moment.

“To slow!” FRISK said behind Sans. Quickly Sans grabbed the kids SOUL and threw him to the ground, the blasters firing at the spot where the kid landed. Sans huffed and coughed, he pulled his mask over his mouth and nose, hiding the blood that leaked from his mouth. The blasters had successfully hit the kid, they didn’t move. Sans teleported to the ground, eye ablaze.

“So kid, about time you told me what I wanna know-“Sans looked into the eyes of death as FRISK swung his blade at Sans. In that moment Sans knew he was going to die, but, something had stopped the blade from hitting him. Sans looked to see Chara in between them, holding FRISK’s wrist tightly.

“Greetings friend…”Chara said with an even tone. FRISK started to panic.

“What’s wrong? Do you feel your SINS crawling on your BACK?” Chara smiled with DETERMINATION, the two humans, decent and corrupt, were about to unleash the full power of DETERMINATION.

“Sans, could you please tend to Papyrus and Undyne? After that you can assist me with finishing off this human, if you aren’t too slow.” Chara chuckled, FRISK tried to break his arm free. Sans shrugged.

“Alright your majesty. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Sans teleported away, leaving Chara and FRISK alone.

 “So, FRISK… I’m guessing you are wanting to HAVE A BAD TIME huh?” Chara swung the human by the wrist, throwing him into a nearby tree with little effort.

“You have made LOVE… haven’t you…”Chara’s face became angry at seeing the LOVE of FRISK. The human jumped down from the tree, enraged.

“So tell me… WHO DID YOU KILL?” Chara charged FRISK, summoning a weapon that FRISK hadn’t expected as it slammed him all the way to Snowdin. Chara ran to Snowdin with unbelievable speed. Her weapon tight in hand. As the fog cleared FRISK could clearly see the princess swinging her chain weapon, the chain glowing a white color.

“What’s the matter? Haven’t seen a weapon like this on the surface?” Chara charged again, but this time FRISK blocked, the dead trees and windows of every building in Snowdin being blown away.

“You are indeed strong human… BUT YOU WILL REGRET GAINING LOVE!” Chara pushed down harder, the force breaking the ground. FRISK smiled, releasing one hand from Chara’s attack at using it to slice at her stomach. Chara saw this coming and quickly dodged.

“WHAT DO YOU GAIN FROM THIS?!” Chara yelled, sweating. They said nothing for a while.

“I…”FRISK started, eyes growing sad.

“All I wanted was to be myself again… I wanted to be with my family… the one YOU STOLE!” FRISK cried, running at Chara. Chara was about to block when FRISK’s soul turned blue, was lifted up and thrown right through Grillby’s bar.

“Sorry I’m late kid.” Sans joked, they turned to face Grillby’s. Waiting for the kid to enter the battle once more. But he did not. Chara and Sans exchanged a glance before entering. And there, lying unconscious is the human FRISK. Sans summoned a Gaster blaster, preparing to finish the human off when Chara raised her hand to stop him.

“Chara?” Sans asked, unsummoning the blaster. Chara sighed and put her own weapons away.

“I wish to interrogate the human before we execute him. It is only wise to find out what they know so we can prepare for humanity’s next attack, is it not?” Chara looked at Sans. He only nodded.

FRISK woke up to a dark dungeon, chained to the wall, Chara sitting on a stool across from him.

“You have some nerve.” FRISK spat, glaring at Chara.

“What do you mean?” Chara asked, arms crossed. FRISK grew enraged.

“YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! YOU STOLE ALL THIS FROM ME! THIS LIFE SHOULD BE MINE AND YOU STOLE IT ALL AWAY! HOW CAN YOU NOT EVEN FEEL THE LITTLIST BIT OF REGRET?! HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE LIKE WHAT YOU DID WAS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED ABOUT?!” FRISK screamed, tears running down his face. The two grew silent for a long time until Chara leaned forward and let out a small chuckle.

“You want to know why I did it. I did it because I was tired of being the bad guy… tired of always getting malevolent looks even if I help you take down the barrier and do the whole pacifist thing… I wanted a life like you had… and when I was given the opportunity… I had to take it! I couldn’t live like that anymore! Relying on you to reset and try to make peace even when, every time, I would lose… so… I met someone and they gave me the life you had, and the power you possessed.” Chara had an evil look in her eye at that moment, a hidden camera zoomed in.

“Who gave you this power?” FRISK asked… teeth grinding. Chara didn’t answer.

“WHO GAVE YOU THIS POWER?! YOU DIRTY BROTHER KILLER!” FRISK yelled, Chara was unfazed by FRISK’s outburst.

“Wow… quoting Sans are we? Is that supposed to faze me? But if you MUST know… I obtained this power from a demon that rests inside this world, one that has mutated to extreme lengths thanks to the toxins humanity has spread. It is thanks to it that we are here right now.” Chara sat back, smiling smugly.

“It didn’t happen to take the form of a talking flower, did it?” FRISK said in a deadly voice, making Chara freeze.

“How did you know that?!” Chara stood, fuming.

“Because I made a deal with him as well.” FRISK chuckled, Chara took a step back.

“W…what did you do?!” Chara growled, preparing to summon her weapon.

“I made a deal with Flowey that if I got it the six souls and DETERMINATION, that I would get my life back… and ultimate power!” FRISK smiled, watching Chara’s dismayed expression.

“Well you can’t do much from here! So there’s nothing to worry about!” Chara put her hands on her hips, raining in confidence.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” FRISK continued, Chara gained a look of pure dread as she watched FRISK glitch out of the chains that binded him, he stood.

“Because the demon also gave me another power! The power you left behind!” and at that FRISK was gone.

“Shit…” Chara mumbled.

“Kid…” Sans spoke up from behind Chara who didn’t move.

“What did FRISK mean by ‘THIS LIFE SHOULD BE MINE AND YOU STOLE IT ALL AWAY’?” Sans’s eye was glowing, and Chara had her weapon in hand, eyes murderous.


Sans, in the judgement hall during the first run, stood ready to fight the genocidal human. He waited and waited, then the silhouette of a human approached, Frisk, eyes blood thirsty and knife ready to kill more innocents. Sans fixed Papyrus’s scarf that he wore, eyes ablaze. If he didn’t stop the human here, then the king would be next and then the rest of the monsters who are hiding in the LABs.

“You have come back to fight me fifteen times kid… when will you just GIVE UP!” Sans had tears forming in his eyes. He thought of Papyrus. Frisk smiled.

“You will have to do BETTER THAN THAT!” Frisk laughed wickedly. Sans was the first to attack, teleporting right beside Frisk as he sent a bone through the child’s abdomen. Frisk died instantly.

“Heh… Get Dunked On… You dirty brother killer…” And Sans waited again for the human to return… sixteen times…


Sans and Chara didn’t speak for a long while.

“So… when FRISK quoted you… it was just something to let you know that it was them who did the first run… who eventually became your friend… and that it wasn’t me…” Chara stood proud, weapons at the ready in case Sans attacked. Sans pulled down his mask, old blood staining his face.

“Yeah, I knew something was off when I first spotted the kid… they seemed so familiar… and by quoting me, it proved my hypothesis…” Sans approached.

“It proved that YOU aren’t supposed to be here, that you manipulated the files somehow and switched spots with FRISK. That you sent an innocent child to suffer eternally in the coding of this world!” Sans shouted, Chara recoiled out of reflex, but her composure maintained.

“S…so what! Why dose FRISK get to live a good life and I don’t! It just isn’t fair!” Chara screamed back.

“You’re right! It isn’t fair!” Sans hesitated, then continued.

“But what you did… was wicked and selfish… and I… can’t believe that I considered you as my friend…” Sans summoned his blasters, Chara took a few steps back.

“Sans I’m sorry! I had no other option! B… but, I know how to fix it! I swear!” Chara was against the wall, she didn’t want to fight Sans, but she wasn’t going to die at his hands either. Sans thought for a moment, then unsummoned his blasters.

“Then how do we fix it?” Sans asked, showing little emotion. Chara let out a sigh of relief. She smiled and said in a whisper

“Alright… here is what you must do…”  


Sans walked through what use to be Waterfall, but with all the toxins from the surface it has turned this beautiful spot into a marsh of decay. This is where FRISK would be hiding, at least that is what Chara told him… He would be where the old statue was, waiting. Sans didn’t waste any time. He teleported over to where the old statue was, and there was FRISK. The human was placing an old umbrella in the arm of the statue to keep it dry, it didn’t play music anymore but…

“FRISK?” Sans spoke up, FRISK wasn’t startled, it was almost like he expected Sans to show up.

“So… you came…” FRISK spoke lightly and nonthreatening. Sans approached cautiously.

“I’m… so sorry… about starting off with the genocide run… and about… killing those monsters…” FRISK was about to cry, which Sans thought was a bit suspicious.

“I… I wanted my life back… and when I killed those monsters… I… wanted to reset… but…” FRISK went quiet, the sound of the wind the only noise in Waterfall.

“I… couldn’t reset… I didn’t want to gain LOVE… but… I did…” FRISK continued. Sans put a hand on FRISK, he glitched out a bit.

“Kid?” Sans took his hand off in surprise. FRISK calmed down, taking deep breaths.

“Sorry… Chara’s power… affects my coding… this power allows me to jump into different timelines and through the time span of a single timeline. An example would be… I can go into a timeline like this one… and I can go back or forward in time… I actually have been here before… in the past… but me being there wouldn’t help me so I didn’t bother messing with it and creating a separate timeline because I changed everything…” FRISK looked at Sans. Sans had some confusion on his face but understood most of what FRISK said. FRISK rolled his eyes and let out a small sigh.

“So… what will you do now?” FRISK asked, Sans remained quiet, remembering what Chara had told him. FRISK chuckled, got to his feet and started walking. He motioned Sans to follow him, and Sans did.

“So Sans, I am guessing you have a lot of questions?” FRISK looked to his companion, his hands resting behind his back. Sans nodded.

“If you don’t mind indulging me kid, some information would be great.” Sans pulled out a notepad and a pen, FRISK smiled.

“Alright… where to begin?” FRISK thought for a moment.

“Ah yes, that would be a good place. Alright so you know about this power Chara had? That I now have?” FRISK looked to Sans who nodded.

“But do you know what it REALLY is?” FRISK pressed. Sans hesitated, then shook his head.

“I thought so. Well Sans, this power Chara had gave her, now gives me, the ability to manipulate the files, travel into different timelines and forward and backward in time.” FRISK let his eyes wander a bit before continuing.

“You see Sans, Chara isn’t your ORIGIONAL Chara. She is from a different timeline and, by using her ability, was able to jump to this timeline.”

“Wait a second!” Sans stopped FRISK for a minute.

“What do you mean Chara isn’t our original Chara?!” Sans was flabbergasted at the concept of different Chara’s that can all mess with the files and switch places whenever.

“The Chara you know is from a timeline where she was always ridiculed and hated, so she jumped timelines until she came here. Usually a Chara won’t go to another timeline with a Chara already there, so they won’t fight for dominance over that timeline, so they just go find timelines without a Chara…” FRISK choked out those last three words as if they hurt to say.

“So… what happened to our Chara?” Sans asked, taking notes. There was hesitation, then sadness as FRISK spoke.

“Your Chara… killed herself… she… deleted her own file from the coding… it was awful too… she was even a pacifist Chara… and I…” Frisk didn’t finish his sentence, he just went quiet. Sans was in turmoil at hearing his Chara…

“Why did she do it?” Sans asked, hoping to lift some of the tension and sadness.

“I’m not sure… one day she was gone… she left a note explaining what happened but didn’t leave a reason why she would have felt the way she did in order to…” FRISK and Sans stopped walking.

“Kid?” Sans spoke up, confused.

“Sans how much do you trust Chara?” FRISK asked suddenly. Sans was about to answer, then stopped. Dose he really know Chara as well as he believed? She had already lied to him and everyone else about herself and FRISK… so why should he trust her? Maybe… it is because of what she said when she was younger…

‘I wanna be just like you Sans!” she had innocence then… and she did kind of become a judge when Sans wasn’t around, she even started quoting him, which he finds annoying.

“Sans you have two options… in one timeline we make it to the surface and help humanity restore the earth to its former glory, in the other… we all die accept for you… so choose your allies wisely Sans… because only you can bring us a TRUE happy ending.” FRISK smiled dejectedly, he put a hand on Sans’s shoulder for a moment, then disappeared again. Sans just stood there, thinking about Chara and FRISK… about the original Chara of this timeline… and of what FRISK said about a TRUE happy ending…

“Welp… I guess I should start making my way to Chara’s meeting spot… wish the kid was more specific about why I had to meet her by an old door…” and Sans teleported to a hidden door which hides what shouldn’t be seen.



The door was easy to find, it was old and rustic and embedded into decaying stones of Waterfall. Sans was about to open the door, when he spotted a note placed on the ground, a dumb place to put a note but it’s not like he was the one who put it there. He picked it up and read it:

Dear Sans,

I understand that you want the best for everyone… but the best for everyone won’t give us a happy ending… before I stole this power from FRISK… I had considered him as a brother and would do anything to protect him… well… let me just get to the point, inside you will be greeted by some horrific things that you will hope can be changed via reset… but just remember what I told you and you will give EVERYONE a happy ending. This I can promise you.

Love, Chara

Sans threw open the door, it wasn’t like anything he has seen before in any timeline, and it made his heart stop. The ashes of all his dead friends and family scattered throughout this room, it seemed to stretch on for infinity, but among the ashes were two human bodies, FRISK lay dead with tears running down his pale face, while Chara was still alive, she injected the last bit of FRISK’s soul into a syringe, only filling it halfway. Sans entered the room, his mind a haze of chaos. Chara looked at Sans, her eyes red with tears.

“Sans… remember what I told you… my friend…” Chara took the syringe and jabbed it into her own soul, she sucked out every part of her DETERMINATION, her power, and in her last breaths threw the syringe to Sans. Sans couldn’t control his movements, he was just moving as he ran and grabbed the syringe midair. The ground shook beneath him as he cradled the syringe in his hands. It didn’t take long for the demon to appear, it took the form of a flower, its leaves decayed and bones sticking out of the decaying leaves. A cybernetic eye implanted in the most painful way possible. And the vines it controlled, they reeked of radiation.

“WELL, WELL, WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?” it cackled, its very voice shaking the earth.

“You… are you the one they call Flowey?” Sans held the syringe close, remembering what Chara had told him.

“INDEED I AM! AND I SEE THAT YOU HAVE WHAT I WANT, SO GIVE IT TO ME!!” The vines moved swiftly as they went for Sans, but it was too late. Sans took the syringe and injected FRISK and Chara’s DETERMINATION into his own soul. Sans dodged the vines with ease as the DETERMINATION pulsated through him, mixing and meshing with his BRAVERY.

“NO! NO! NO! NO!” the flower shrieked as he sent a militia of bullets after Sans. He couldn’t dodge, he couldn’t run, he was trapped in a corner, a direct attack from the demon covering any space he could find safety in. Sans did the next best thing other than dodging, a quick counter attack! He summoned two dozen bones that circled him, one dozen near his arms spinning clockwise and the other dozen a foot below that spinning counterclockwise. The tips of the bones pointed and as sharp as knives. He didn’t hesitate anymore, he sent the bones to disrupt Flowey’s attack in order to protect himself and get through to blast this demon back to hell! While the bones and bullets countered each other, Sans took the opportunity to dive in between the madness and summon his blaster. The blaster was three times bigger than normal, its horns, teeth and any other pointed bone on it razor sharp and laced in titanium. Its left eye a deep orange and the right a blazing red, the eye and left side of the nose cracked almost like how San’s eye is. Sans aimed the blaster at the demon flower and blasted it with explosion of BRAVERY and DETERMINATION. Sans landed on top of his blaster, vision blurry. He sat down, coughing up blood, his left eye cracking more.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The echoes of the demons laugh bouncing off the wall, Sans tried to stand, but didn’t get far in his progress.

“YOU MAY HAVE DESTROYED THIS BODY, BUT I HAVE MORE! I WILL KEEP KILLING TIMELINES! I WILL KEEP STEALING DETERMINATION! UNTIL I CAN RULE THIS UNIVERSE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” and he was gone. Sans hoped down from the top of his blaster, wobbling slightly. He looked down at the remains of his dead family… friends. And in a thought of desperation, Sans grabbed a piece of clothing from the ashes that belonged to each of his friends. He grabbed Papyrus’s golden gear gauntlet, Undyne’s heart necklace, Alphys’s utility belt, Gaster’s cloak, Asgore’s boots, Toriel’s ring, and Asriel’s goggles. Putting them all on, Sans used FRISK’s power and jumped back in time.


Sans was not sure how to exactly jump through timelines like how FRISK did or Chara but jumping back in time, was almost like teleporting. All it took was a thought, a memory, and he was there. The first thing the thought of was him, Alphys and Gaster running down the Judgement hall to warn the royal family, and there he was, watching it happen right before his eyes. He knew he couldn’t stop here, he had to keep going, to go deeper in. So he thought and thought of a time when he saved Chara and Asriel from an assassin, the day Chara dedicated herself to become like Sans. Sans smiled at seeing Chara so young again, it was a year after she fell, and already she fit right in… or so they all thought. But it wasn’t enough, he had to go back, back to the beginning… the first run. It took a few tries, ending up in different runs occasionally, but through it all, he made it.

He ended up at the barrier, right before everyone got there. He coughed into his hand, blood trickling down the side of his face.

“Sans?” a familiar voice called, Sans looked up to see everyone, all his friends, family, the original Chara… and FRISK, right where he should be. Even Papyrus looked like he use to in the first run before he became a royal guard, heh, he still was wearing that red scarf he loved so much... Sans smiled at them, he looked at Papyrus, then at the other timeline him.

“Heh, hey guys.” Sans joked, looking at everyone, trying not to break down in joyful tears.

“Brother! You’re bleeding!” Papyrus instinctively rushed over to help, but was caught off guard when he looked at HIS Sans.

“I can’t stay long Paps, I just needed to talk to Chara and FRISK for a moment.” Everyone exchanged a glance. Sans walked over to the two humans and knelt in front of them.

“Heya kids, listen I won’t do the niceties, in the future you make a deal with a demon named Flowey and he ends up killing everyone, so if you don’t want that to happen then don’t reset or mess with the files.” Sans wasn’t in a joking mood anymore, he had been through too much to feel the joy he once had. Chara and FRISK exchanged a glance, then smiled innocently.

“Then take the reset.” Frisk held out the reset, Chara did the same thing with her file glitch. Sans was in shock, he didn’t expect them to just hand over power like that. But he also knew… what these powers can lead to. Sans took them, thanks to his DETERMINATION, the process of adding these to strengthen his powers increased slightly.

“Thanks kids, you won’t regret doing this. I promise.”

The children smiled, they believed in him, trusted him.

“Sans.” Papyrus spoke up suddenly, both Sanses turned to look at him.

“O…Oh, right… um…” Papyrus, unsure how to address one Sans from the other, stood stumped.

“Fuhahahaha! Hey Techno looking Time Travel Sans! We need a nickname for you! So others don’t confuse you with their Sans!” Undyne wrapped an arm around Papyrus. Sans shrugged, he looked at the younger version of himself, or should he say, the alternate version of himself? The alternate versions of his friends, his family, chatted amongst themselves. Sans has never felt more alone.

“So Techno Sans! How about the nickname Techno Warrior!” Undyne suggested.

“N…no, no! H…his nickname should be Time Traveler!” Alphys suggested. Sans didn’t like either of those, if he had to have a nickname, than it should at least be something cool, and something that means something.

“Why don’t we call him Dead End Sans?” Chara suggested, everyone thought for a moment.

“He is from a doomed timeline.” Gaster attributed.

“Well other Sans, what do you think?” Papyrus smiled genially, it made Sans’s stomach turn.

“Sure Bro- uh I mean, Papyrus.” Dead End, Sans, looked from each face, remembering the ashes of the ones he grew to love dearly. He knew he could never bring them back, even if he did reset. And no matter who was in front of him, they could never replace the one he has lost.

“Sans, why don’t you come to the surface with us?” Asgore asked, Toriel and Asriel nodding next to him.

“Sorry, but I have to hunt down Flowey. He’s probably tormenting another timeline as we speak.” Dead End coughed, a little bit of blood spattering onto his hand.

“SANS!” Papyrus rushed to him unconsciously. Dead End took a step back, avoiding Papyrus’s grasp.

“I’m fine Papyrus… I’m fine…” Dead End Sans looked to his other self, then to Papyrus and then Gaster. His family.

“Sans… err… um, Dead End Sans.” Gaster approached.

“Why don’t you come with us, we can treat your sickness when we get up there. Then you can hunt down this flower demon.” Sans shook his head.

“Sorry, but if I wait any longer, Flowey will cause so much unfixable damage. I… have to be there to stop him.” Sans coughed more, off balance. Papyrus steadied him.

“Bro- um… Dead End? You are not well, at least come with us to find out what this illness really is. The humans must know!” he sounded as enthusiastic as he was way back when… a lot has changed…

“Alright… but just to get evaluated, nothing more.” Dead End gave everyone a convincing fake smile, little do they know… that they are tearing him up inside.



“D…Dead End, the results came back f… from the evaluation.” Alphys was holding a vanilla folder and loose papers, this Alphys is so unorganized compared to his Alphys.

“What are the results?” Gaster was checking Dead End’s soul and his condition based off his physical appearance and reaction time.

“W…well…” She hesitated.

“Just spit it out Alphys.” Dead End barked, clearly annoyed. Alphys jumped a bit. They have been around Dead End for a few weeks, and yet they aren’t use to his lack of patience.

“You see… b…based off what I could get from the information the humans gathered, s…some human doctors help and my own e…evaluations… Dead End… Sans… you have bone cancer…” silence filled the air, no one spoke, or dared to.

“Thank you Alphys. I appreciate the fact that you spent all this time to help me… but I still cannot stay…” Dead End jumped down from the examination table he sat on, wobbling slightly.

“Sans you need to take care of this!” Gaster held Dead End by the wrist, preventing him from leaving.

“I can’t stay! I have to hunt for Flowey! Who knows what kind of chaos it’s causing throughout the timelines!” Sans glared at them. They were nothing to him, they were only a cruel reminder.

“Please, l…let’s work something out! I…if you fight Flowey like this, you won’t survive!” Alphys pleaded, holding the file close.

“How about this…” Dead End started, Gaster and Alphys became curious.

“How about I go through one dose of treatment, go to a timeline, destroy Flowey in that timeline, come back for another dose, and repeat the cycle until I’m cured.” Gaster and Alphys exchanged a look. Gaster sighed.

“A…alright Dead End… w…we can work with that.” Alphys had a look of defeat, Gaster wanted nothing more than to be rid of him. And Dead End… he wanted to leave this timeline for good.

“Alright Flowey… I’m coming for you!” Dead End’s eye glowed a red orange, DETERMINATION written on his face.

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